More stem changing verbs in the present tense. These forms change "o" to "ue".
If you managed the previous lesson, this one will be easy.
This is simply a different kind of stem-changing verb. This time, the final "o" in the verb stem changes to "ue".
For an example, let's use the verb almorzar
which means to have lunch.
Present Tense Conjugation of almorzar

The stem changes again only apply to the four forms in "the boot" shape.
A usage example:
Normalmente, Isabela almuerza en un restaurante.
Normally, Isabela eats lunch in a restaurant.
As a second example, let's revisit a verb that you already learned in this unit: poder, meaning to be able to or can.
Present Tense Conjugation of poder

You learned to conjugate poder as an irregular verb, but we now see that it is one of this larger group, the o => ue stem-changing verbs.
For your reference, here's a rather long list of verbs that follow this pattern.
As before, I don't recommend trying to memorize the list, but instead to simply watch for this pattern as it occurs in the exercises and in your reading.
A list of many common o => ue stem-changers
acordar | to agree (upon) |
almorzar | to lunch, to have lunch |
aprobar | to approve, to pass a test |
colgar | to hang (up) |
comprobar | to check, to verify |
contar | to count, to relate, to tell |
costar | to cost |
demostrar | to demonstrate, to prove |
devolver | to return (an object), to refund, to give back |
doler | to ache, to pain, to hurt, to cause grief, to cause regret |
dormir | to sleep |
encontrar | to meet, to encounter, to find |
llover | to rain |
morir | to die |
mostrar | to show, to point out, to display |
mover | to move, to persuade, to excite |
poder | to be able, can |
probar | to test, to prove, to try, to try on |
recordar | to remember, to recall, to remind |
resolver | to resolve, to solve (a problem) |
soler | to be accustomed to, to be in the habit of |
soñar | to dream |
sonar | to ring, to echo, to resound, to sound |
volar | to fly |
volver | to return, to go back |