The final group of stem changing verbs in the present tense, where "e" becomes "i".
We'll finish up the stem-changing verbs in this lesson, with a group of verbs that change "e" to "i" in the stem.
Verbs that stem-change e => i
An example is competir which means to compete.
For competir, the stem "compet" instead becomes "compit".
Present Tense conjugation of competir

If you examine the list of verbs that make this change, you will notice that they are all -ir verbs.
List of the most common e => i stem-changers
ceñir | to fit tightly, to gird, to encircle, to belt |
competir | to compete, to contest |
concebir | to conceive, to imagine |
despedir | to dismiss, to fire, to discharge, to say goodbye (despedirse) |
expedir | to expedite |
impedir | to hinder, to impede, to prevent |
medir | to measure, to weigh, to scan (verses) |
pedir | to ask for, to request |
rendir | to defeat, to surrender |
repetir | to repeat |
servir | to serve |
vestir | to clothe |
Three Extra Stem-Changing Verbs
In addition to the forms we have covered, there are three more verbs that exhibit the same behavior, but don't quite fit into the prior groups.
Only two common verbs exhibit a stem change from i => ie, so here they are.
Present Tense conjugation of adquirir, meaning to acquire

Present Tense conjugation of inquirir, meaning to inquire into

The final animal in our zoo of stem-changing verbs is the verb jugar.
It is the only verb that exhibits a stem change of u => ue:
Present Tense conjugation of jugar, meaning to play

No más! That's it.
We have finally come to the end of the stem-changing verbs.
While they may throw a wrench into your conjugation efforts, at least they make sense in their own twisted way!
Head on to the exercises and quiz when you are ready. As always, you can check out the resource list if you need more info.